Monday, April 25, 2011

Wiseblood Review

Wiseblood out of Selah, Wa describes themselves as a "Rock Cover" Band. So, Saturday I thought I'd go to the Past Time in Selah, Wa and check them out. Well, that's not the only reason. Joe Alvarez and Bill Rhymes were also going to be present to play a few song.
Anyway, back to Wiseblood. Their set was a good one, and they do advertise themselves correctly. You do get what you pay for and for a "Rock Cover Band" they are one of the best I've seen in the area.
I've known all the members of this band most of my life, minus the singer. These guys are some of the best the area has to offer, and they are great people as well.
With that being said, their show was full of energy, and it was great fun to watch. If there were any constructive criticism, it would be I wish they had thrown in maybe an Original song here and there, and have a 2nd guitarist. Some of the songs really needed that backup guitar. But other than that, they are a really good act to go see. I'd go check them out.

Now, for the highlight of the night. Joe Alvarez's rendition of War Pigs. And with the inclusion of Bill Rhynes on guitar, it was heaven. When Joe And Bill got on stage, not only did the whole mood of the night take a turn, the crowds reaction was taken to a whole new level. Now I've known Bill and Joe since I was about 16 years old when I played in a Rush Cover Band, and I have to say this: There are good bands in the yakima area. And there are good musicians in the area. But every once in a while, there are Great musicians that come out of the Yakima area. Joe and Bill are two of those people. I've worked with Joe in Sube'u so I know about his talent, and I don't need to say anymore. Bill, however I don't know all that well, and this was the first time in many years I've seen him play. And wow is he good. A real professional. Hopefully, we will see more of Joe and Bill in the future.

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